Sunday, September 9, 2012

Strategic Planning For Competitive Advantage

Lately, much attention has been centered on Apple gaining 1 billion from Korean electronics giant Samsung. In my opinion, this did not have a major effect on Samsung because they sold more smartphones and they still hold the leading seat in the global cell phone marketplace. Samsung also outsold Apple with a margin of 44.5 million to 35.1 million removing Apple from the number one position .

      There are many reasons that Samsung has been able to maintain its competitive edge . Samsung offers a wide variety of phones and a even wider selection of features, than Apple. There is no substantial reason why Samsung is able to keep up with this level of competition, other than simple economic factors such as price and features . Samsung also tends to drop the prices of their phones on a regular basis . They are more likely to attract a low-end customer into a buying a cell phone with high-end technology. For example, my father was never interested in smartphones. He always would have a basic phone, because he felt it fulfilled the purpose he needed it to . He recently decided to change his phone to a Samsung Galaxy S 2 . The price had dropped from what it originally was and he felt it was time for a change . He is now in love with the phone and the various features it has to offer.

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